Online Educational Resources

This page is a service to our customers at Amazon. Finding free interactive quizzes and tests can be frustrating in online searches so we have gathered some of the best below. Please remember us when you have educational book needs.

Reading Level Test
Determine your child's reading level (grade 5 and under).
Grammar Quizzes
Short interactive quizzes on every element of grammar.
Basic Interactive Exercises
Reading tests through grade 6 (and math through grades 8).
Practice Questions
Large number of short tests/practice questions on over 40 language arts subjects.
Saxon Math Practice
Practice problems for all grade levels. Interactive.
AAA Math
Extensive types of math interactive exercises (scroll down each page to start).
Major Publisher Placement Tests
Math-U-See / Singapore Math / Horizons Math / Teaching Textbooks
Math exercises in interactive game format.
Moarly interactive practice tests on numerous subjects not found elsewhere.
Placement Tests
A thorough set of links to popular tests used by homeschool families.
Practice Test Questions
Extensive selection of over 50 practice tests, some specialized
Mr. Nussbaum
Interactive exercises on a variety of subjects.
Have Fun Teaching
Numerous resources...special note on Worksheets and Activities (not interactive).
SAT Tests
SAT online practice tests.
Bline SAT Course
Free online course to prepare for the SAT test.
Interactive games on dozens of subjects.

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