This list is a preview of upcoming titles that you may have seen promoted or listed in hardcopy catalogs. They are not yet released, but will appear on our 'New Release' page as soon as they are available.
October 2003 Projected Releases
  • Decline and Fall of the Church in America (Sophia)
  • From Sea to Shining Sea (Ignatius)
    September 2003 Projected Releases
  • TAN BOOKS/IGNATIUS/OSV - variety of titles...we will list when they are available
    **September is the 'biggest release' month of the year so we are not listing all new titles. If you see a title in a publisher's catalog, we will carry it but only list it when it is available for sale.

    NOTE: Go to the main site entrance if you entered this page from an outside link
    and do not see an ordering menu (blue buttons) on your screen.