What civilization developed a simplified alphabet allowing many citizens to read and write? | Greece |
What large empire extended from Asia Minor to Mesopotamia around 500 BC? | Persian |
What descendants of wolf-raised Romulus established a republic in 509 BC? | Rome |
Chinese philosopher who taught that rules should be virtuous, polite and well-educated? | Confucious |
Who conquered the area from Egypt to western India from 334-323 BC? | Alexander the Great |
Nation whose 2nd century BC society was ordered by education level with the emperor seen as divinely ordained? | China |
Gladiator who led a three-year slave revolt in Italy for three years around 73 BC? | Spartacus |
What Roman leader became dictator of Rome in 49 BC? | Julius Caesar |
Rome enjoyed relative peace and culture (Virgil, Livy) under this first Roman Emperor? | Augustus Caesar |
Roman soldiers who served in the basic military unit of the Roman army? | Legionnaires |