World History People and Places AD 1400 - 1500

The Catholic institution which investigated the truth of charges of heresy, turning the guilty over to civil authorities?Inquisition
Who was the last Mongol-Turkish ruler to conquer and dominate central Asian in the 14th century?Tamerlane
Young Christian men converted to Islam who became high-ranking officials in the Ottoman Empire?Janissaries
14th century Chinese dynasty that ruled for 300 years and built the Forbidden City, isolating the emperor from the outside world?Ming
Mexican empire formed in the 15th century AD whose religion involved large-scale human sacrifice?Aztec
South American empire that began to expand in 15th century AD Peru?Inca
The 15th century English war of succession that was named for the emblems of Lancaster and York?War of the Roses
The year that Spain’s Ferdinand and Isabella expelled the last Muslims and sent Columbus to the New World?1492
This ship which ran aground on Hispanola at Christmas, leaving the Nina and Pinta to return with Columbus to Spain?Santa Maria
Who invented the printing press in German in 1450?Johannes Gutenberg