World History People and Places AD 1400 - 1500
The Catholic institution which investigated the truth of charges of heresy, turning the guilty over to civil authorities? | Inquisition |
Who was the last Mongol-Turkish ruler to conquer and dominate central Asian in the 14th century? | Tamerlane |
Young Christian men converted to Islam who became high-ranking officials in the Ottoman Empire? | Janissaries |
14th century Chinese dynasty that ruled for 300 years and built the Forbidden City, isolating the emperor from the outside world? | Ming |
Mexican empire formed in the 15th century AD whose religion involved large-scale human sacrifice? | Aztec |
South American empire that began to expand in 15th century AD Peru? | Inca |
The 15th century English war of succession that was named for the emblems of Lancaster and York? | War of the Roses |
The year that Spain’s Ferdinand and Isabella expelled the last Muslims and sent Columbus to the New World? | 1492 |
This ship which ran aground on Hispanola at Christmas, leaving the Nina and Pinta to return with Columbus to Spain? | Santa Maria |
Who invented the printing press in German in 1450? | Johannes Gutenberg |